Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Etsy & Online Sellers: Tips For Your Creative Career Change

Have you thought of a creative career change coach?

This week's newsletter for Etsy sellers featured an interview with a creative career change life coach, the 'When I Grow Up Coach'.

With the economic climate the way it is and an increase in users on sites like Etsy, more and more people have the opportunity to make a part time or full time living being creative and doing what they love.  However, nobody said that making the change from the housewife, corporate world exec or leaving 'your old job' would be easy.

Etsy sits down with career coach Michelle to share tips to help boost your Creative / Etsy business.
The video below is a handy guide and summary for the first 5 questions in this Q&A session.

Watch live streaming video from etsy at

4:30 Mark - How can we stay on task and prevent distractions?
Summary: find a routine

8:00 Mark - tips on how to develop new contacts network beyond linked in and how to apply your transferable skills to running your easy shop.
Summary: what made you unique / great in your past career apply it to your shop. Define your  uniqueness and 'shout it from the (social media) roof tops'.

10:45 Mark - knowing when it's ok to take on debt to invest in your shop and getting over the fear of doing so.
Keep overheads low, use caution but make calculated investments on good selling items for example.

13:30 what to focus on to be proactive when business is slow.
Learn to embrace it, focus on making, researching, marketing and connecting with customers.

15:00  Tools for managing time and finances.
Ask on twitter or the etsy forum

Visit the Sunshine Buttercup jewelry supplies shop on Etsy and be the first to find out about upcoming sales on our Facebook and twitter page

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